Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Some Reasons

I started a personal blog for several reasons (by the way, these are not in order of importance).
1. I have been learning some great things in school and I want to share quotes from the books I am reading.

2. History, theology, and philosophy are areas I really enjoy and would love to grow in.

3. Many people from our past have debated and come to some incredible conclusions that some people today are walking around and professing as new ideas. I believe it is important to see how these questions were confronted in order to see how each of us can grow more.

4. I LOVE JESUS. I believe HE is the greatest Historian, Theologian, and Philosopher ever. Looking at these areas through a "God-centered" lense will cause one to know the greatest Thinker of all time!

5. C.S. Lewis said that good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, that bad philosophy does.

6. It is unloving to watch people act and live in a wrong manner, all the while walking down the street singing "How Great is Our God" and being silent when it comes to confrontation. This thinking is sadistic. A good word picture may be someone who puts their arm around another and smiles at them as they are on the way to Hell. A person who would do this has problems, yet many Christians live this way.

7. It is important to think properly so that we can act properly. It is not good enough to have what appear to be good actions. OUR ACTIONS MUST BE PROPERLY INFORMED. Jesus made this clear in the Sermon on the Mount when He said that some people will come and tell Him that they preached in His name and did what they perceived to be good things in His name. He will tell them they must depart from Him because they never knew Him.

8. We do not know Jesus better by celebrating ignorance.

9. Truth is ultimately relational. First and foremost is the relationship of God amongst Himself (the intra-Trinitarian relationship). He is then relationally focused with us. This does not cause God to be dependent on us or needy in anyway, but shows that His relationship amongst Himself is the greatest joy one can have and therefore He invites us into His greatest pleasure and our greatest pleasure...HIMSELF! To miss that Truth is ultimately relational is to turn words such as glory into a "thing" to be pursued and not ultimately a relationship. God is a person, not a thing. Therefore, from enjoying relationship with Him we will spread His glory to others.

10. I have so much to learn from others. I will be posting quotes from unbelievers as well as believers. Daniel's testimony was that he was 10 times smarter than any of the other pagan's in their own beliefs. He knew what he believed and was also able to see the Truth in other pagan literature (Acts 17 is also another testimony of this).

Love Truth


amberburger said...

i am so glad you started this! I love the reasons....was going to comment more but titus is calling..

Jerrell said... amazing...get off you...i love number 6 and 7...ouch! I miss you dearly in the Lord and pray our paths cross again soon...I may just have to pay you to come see me to get you to Houston...Praying for you and miss you alot...take care brother...

lovetruth said...

I miss you a ton brother!
Maybe we can get caught up after I get back from Sudan on May 29.
You have always challenged me in the Lord. I pray He will continue to use both of us to sharpen the other in Him. I love you a ton!

Jerrell said...

Yes let's hook up bro...

Danny Wright said...

Have you seen The Constructive Curmudgeon's blog?

I know there's a way to put that whole address in one word like "here" but I don't know how to. Anyway Doug is a seminary professor of philosophy and I thought you might appreciate his site. He's the author of several books, "Truth Decay" being one of them.

BTW, if you want to help an old guy out, can you tell me how to put links "here"?

Great looking site.

Danny Wright said...

Thank you Amber for your help. I was actually wondering how to do the link where I'm typing right while making a comment, so that I could put the link under "Constructive Curmudgeon" Do you know how to do that? I was impressed by your sites and so I thought that you guys might know how; if you don't that's OK.

Unknown said...

Danny to embed a link in a word do the following:

{a href="Here you put the url in quotes"}Here you put the word you wanted the link embedded in{/a}

If I typed the code in the correct way it would automatically convert to a link. So in the following, if you replaced the { with < and } with > :

{a href=""}Books{/a}

It would show on the page as:
